Water Resources Planning & Technical Support Services Department

The Department, headed by a substantive Director is the repository base of the Ministry. It coordinates the activities of other Departments by formulating and implementing policies and programmes aimed at achieving the Ministry’s mandate for the overall development of Water Resources of the Country in a systematic, integrated and coordinated manner. The Department operates through:

    1. Planning Division (P)
    2. Monitoring and Evaluation Division (M& E)
    3. Collaboration and Partnership Division (C&P) and
    4. Research and Statistics Division(R & S)

1. Planning Policy Division

The division of planning is essentially responsible for the articulation, analysis, projection and implementation of development plans of the Ministry in terms of annual, medium and long term plans for the Water Sector. It also performs the following functions:

    1. Secretariat of the National Council on Water Resources,
    2. Preparation of the Ministry’s progress annual report,
    3. Preparation of Council Memorandum for the Federal Executive Council,
    4. Preparation of Honorable Ministry’s speeches and other policy matters of the Ministry,
    5. Analysis of Federal Government policies as they affect Water Sector.
    6. Coordination of the Ministry’s Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) document, the Medium Term implementation plan of vision 20:2020 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as it relates to the Water Sector.

2. Monitoring and Evaluation Division

The major function of the division is periodic assessment of the performance of the projects and programmes of the operation Departments and Agencies of the Ministry. The division has the responsibility to develop Monitoring Template Questionnaires. Other Activities of the Division are:

    1. Regularly monitor, evaluate and coordinate the implementation of the projects of the Ministry sited in the States.
    2. The collection of both primary and secondary data for such projects as the Early Warning System against abandonment.
    3. Collaborates with other Organs of Government and donor Agencies to carry out its monitoring activities.
    4. Facilitates easy communication with the Field offices.
    5. Provides avenue for the Hon. Minister to meet with the Head of Units and field Officers.

3. Collaboration and Partnership Division

The division coordinates the ministry’s participation in the implementation of Multilateral and Bilateral Cooperation Programmes of the United Nation Agencies and other donor agencies with Nigeria in matters of Water Resources. The division also coordinates regional cooperation matters and has the under-listed units.

  1. Multilateral Unit

The Multilateral unit is responsible for the following functions;

    1. Inter ministerial meetings on multilateral relation with international organizations such as World Bank, FAO, USAID ECOWAS,GEF,BGR and NEPAD among others.
    2. Coordinate regional cooperation matters and payment of statutory contribution of Nigeria to organization membership.
    3. Responsible for trade and policy issues.
    4. Responsible for all multilateral issues relating to international organizations such as the World Bank FAO, USAID, HAD, ECOWAS, IFPRI and NEPAD among others.
    5. The unit is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Ministry’s regarding regional organizations as ECOWAS, EU., AU, NBA,LCBC, NNJC and other joint commission in Africa.
    6. The unit also serves as secretariat for the National Focal Structures of the Niger Basin authority (NBA), LCBC and global environmental facilities projects (GEF).
    7. Coordinates the activities of the National Focal Structures of NBA, LCBC, GEF, NNJC, etc
  1. Bilateral Unit

This unit is responsible for the Ministry’s participation in the implementation of the bilateral Water Resources relation between foreign countries. Its functions include;

    1. Responsible for Inter ministerial meeting on bilateral relationship in Water Resources with the Ministry of Foreign affairs. Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry, etc.
    2. Update of investment opportunities in Nigeria Water Resources Sector business profile/hand book and its production
    3. Coordinates joint commission activaties of NNJC, NCJC, NSAJC etc.
  1. Development Partnerships Unit
    1. Responsible for coordinating the activities of the Ministry regarding Donor Agencies and Development Partners such as World Bank, FAO, UNESCO, UNDP, AfDB, UNICEF / UN-Activities, EU, JICA, USAID, DFID, CIDA, FIDA, CSOs amongst others.
    2. Update of investment opportunities in Nigeria Water Resources Sector business profile / hand book and its production

4. Research and Statistics Division

This division is in charge of records of the Ministry. It is made up of Statistics, Research and documentation. The division performs the following roles.

    1. To produce, process, store and disseminate timely information and reliable Water Resources data.
    2. To establish a well harmonized and rationalized organizational framework for Water Resources Data generation and information; and
    3. To provide a framework for socio – economic research, relating to monitoring sustainable Water Resources Development.

ICT Unit

Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services Unit was established in Planning Research and Statistics Department of the Ministry to specifically drive the delivery of innovative technology solutions and support services towards ensuring that all departments within Ministry of Water Resources are able to access ICT resources to optimize their respective functions. Also, it serves as a hub for the stimulation of development and deployment of ICT infrastructure towards ensuring that ICT will be effectively used to enhance performances in the water sector.

The key programme of the Unit is the Water Resources Data Bank and information centre. The aim is to build and strengthen the capacity for data collection, processing, storage and analyses for use in planning, policy formulation, project development and monitoring in the Ministry. It is also to support other departments through deployment and support of appropriate technology. Thus, the Unit is not the vehicle itself, but an engine that lends power, direction and thrust to the objectives identified by departments.


    • Provide a sustainable enterprise-wide information system in the Ministry that will enhance fast, easy and cheap access to information within and outside the Ministry.
    • Provide maintenance services on all Hardware, Software, Local Area Network (LAN) and other ICT related infrastructure of the Ministry.
    • Develop in-house capacity to operate and manage the vast ICT resources in the Ministry through hands on training.
    • Maintain an update the Ministry’s website and provide unhindered connectivity to the global information community;
    • Maintain the Ministry’s database;
    • Support other service-wide projects that share or collaborate information process with the Ministry;
    • Offer technical support to Departments, Units, Sections and individual user;
    • Advise the management at all levels on the need for constant update of ICT infrastructure;
    • Supervise the implementation of ICT capital projects for the Ministry;
    • Represent the Ministry on all ICT related Fora.


    • Furnishing of Data-bank Centre.
    • Installation of hardware and software
    • Repair and upgrading of server
    • Hosting of Ministry’s website
    • Network management