Press & Public Relations Department

The Department has the responsibility of establishing and sustaining effective public relations and communication management strategies between the Ministry and its publics.

Mission Statement is to project the programmes and policies of the Ministry, in such a way that the public image of the Ministry is favourable, especially in service delivery while our Vision is to project and situate the Ministry as a viable and credible reference point for water management matters through the formulation and articulation of dynamic media and public relations strategies for the Ministry and its Parastatals.

Our Plan:

In order to move the Ministry to greater heights in the delivery of its core mandate, the Department will be:

    • Resuscitating the “Water Magazine” and making it self-financing through partnership with relevant stakeholders and parastatals under the Ministry.
    • Liaising with the River Basins and other Agencies in order to streamline their communication strategies with that of the headquarters. This would provide synergy in all communication activities of the ministry.
    • Setting up on periodically, a platform of engagement of the Hon. Minister and the Permanent Secretary with some important media representatives for a robust relationship. This would be a quarterly or biannual event.  The media representatives are as follows:
    • Reporters covering the water sectors
    • Guild of Corporate online publishers
    • Media Executives.
    • Working in close collaboration with the Planning, Research and Statistics department to enrich the FMWR Website.
    • Sustaining the coverage of the Ministry’s activities by working in synergy with all the departments and agencies including the River Basins Development Authorities.
    • Holding Ministerial Press Briefing in partnership with FMI to showcase the activities and achievements of the FMWR in 2016.
    • Continuing to solicit cooperation of Heads of Departments to incorporate Press Unit in the planning of their programmes from the onset.
    • Performing all the duties assigned to the Department by the Hon. Minister and Permanent Secretary, assiduously, to actualize the change Agenda of Mr. President.