Human Resource Management 



The Human Resource Management Department of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources is a Common Service Department headed by a Director.  The Director oversees the human resource administration and coordinates the general administration of the Ministry.  The Department is responsible for all Personnel matters, these includes Staff Appointment, Promotion, Discipline, Welfare, Training and Management of Staff Records of the Ministry of the 7658 staff of the Ministry.  The Department also supervises the activities of the 74 (37 in each sector) field offices located in the 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.  The Department also manages the security, sanitation, Staff Clinic Stores and the transport units of the Ministry.


The structure of the Human Resource Management Department is peculiar because all Divisions, Branches and Units are replicated in both sectors with the Director coordinating both.


The Staff Welfare and Training Divisions are headed by Deputy Directors on Grade Level 16.  The Divisions are structured as follows:-

  • Staff Welfare
  • Training
  • Pension Administration
  • Office Management
  • State Offices Coordination
  • Clinic


The Staff Welfare and Training Division perform the under-listed functions:

  • Handling all training matters in the Ministry;
  • Processing claims due to staff i.e 1st 28 days, Repatriation, Overtime allowance, Responsibility allowance etc.
  • Coordinating matters pertaining to the Ministry’s Sports club and Sporting activities;
  • Handling matters pertaining to death benefits;
  • Processing application for housing loans;
  • Processing of pension matters;
  • Stores Administration;
  • Overseeing the affairs of staff canteen;
  • Overseeing the affairs of Ministry’s Staff Clinic;
  • Handling all Union and Industrial relations Matters;
  • Engaging and overseeing the activities of students Industrial Training programme;
  • Handling of Sanitation matters;
  • Handling of National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) matters for the entire Ministry’s Staff;
  • Issuance of Staff Identity Card, and
  • Leave Matters.


(i)        Routine maintenance and handling of Utility service such as water supply, sewage, etc;

(ii)       Allocation of Office Accommodations;

(iii)      Routine maintenance of Offices and fumigation services; and

(iv)     Security, Transport and Fireservice; and

(v) Management of the Conference room,

6.0      State Offices Coordination Branch

            (i)        Coordinates activities of State Field Offices

            (ii)       Compilation of Monthly/Quarterly reports

            (iii)     Inspection/Monitoring of states Field offices on quarterly basis

7.0      Staff Clinic

The staff clinic was set up in 2021 to cater for the health needs of the entire staff of the Federal Ministries of Power, Works and Housing and their Families of dependents.  The Clinic attends to an average of 40 people per day.  The services rendered in the clinic comprise of the following:

8.0      Union and Industrial Relations Matter

            There are four (4) Union bodies in the Ministry namely Nigeria Union of Civil Service Secretarial and Stenographic Workers (NUCSSAW), Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreations Services Employees (AUPCTRE), Nigeria Civil Service Union (NCSU) and Association of Senior Civil Servants (ASCSN).

9.0      Issuance of Introduction Letters to Banks and Embassies

Letters of introduction to banks are issued to all staff who requests for such             letters in order to enable them open an account with a bank of their choice.              Likewise, letter of introduction to Embassies are also issued to staff seeking             to travel out of the Country.


The Appointment, Promotion and Discipline Division in the Department is responsible for the following:

  1. Secretariat for consideration of the Senior Staff Committee (SSC) and Junior Staff Committee (JSC)
  2. Compilation and up-dating of the Nominal Roll
  • Maintenance of staff records
  1. Maintenance of registries (open & Confidential)
  2. Raising of salary variation
  3. Documentation and posting of newly deployed staff
  • Handling all NYSC matter
  • Manpower budget preparation
  1. Processing of confirmation of appointment & gazette
  2. Enrolment of staff into the Integrated Payroll Personnel Information System (IPPIS)
  3. Processing of applications for secondment and transfer
  • Processing of general deployments and postings
  • Handling of all disciplinary cases.
  • Preparing of briefs on disciplinary cases for presentation to both JSC and SSC;
  1. Handling of all disciplinary cases reported;
  • Processing of all petitions/complaints arising from conclusions on disciplinary cases;
  • Preparation of returns on disciplinary cases to FCSC; and
  • Secretariat for Top Management Meeting.


11.1      Director, Human Resource Management Department

  1. General coordination of activities of the Department;
  2. Assist Permanent Secretary in the formulation/implementation of Human Resource Policies;
  • Chairman Junior Staff Committee Headquarters/Local;
  1. Member/ Secretary Senior Staff Committee Headquarters/Local;
  2. Member/ Secretary Monthly Top Management Meeting;
  3. Member Ministerial Tenders Board;
  • Store Administration;
  • Member, OHCSFSSC;
  1. Oversee Security, Facility Management; and
  2. Any other duties assigned by the Permanent Secretary.

12.0     Deputy Director, Appointment, Promotion and Discipline Division

  1. Supervises and coordinates activities of the Division;
  2. Supervises the activities of states Offices Coordination;
  • Coordinates matters of appointment, promotion and disciplines;
  1. Coordinates the activities of the Registry;
  2. Liaises with OHCSF and FCSC on matters pertaining to APD;
  3. Relates with the Ministry Parastatals in APD matter, and
  • Any other function assigned by the Director, Human Resources Management.

13.0     Deputy Director, Staff Welfare & Training

  1. Assists the Director, Human Resources on matters affecting Staff Welfare and Training;
  2. Coordinates, oversees and assigns responsibilities to different         Branches and Sections in the Division;
  • Coordinates the activities of HIV/AIDS in conjunction with National Action Committee on HIV/AIDS (NACA);
  1. Handles matters relating to staff clinic;
  2. Organizes training and development programmes for all officers in the Ministry;
  3. Supervises the Staff canteen;
  • Maintains staff buses and utility vehicles;
  • Handles matter relating to Staff Clinic;
  1. Coordinates National Health Insurance Scheme;
  2. Supervises sporting activities in the Ministry;
  3. Processes pension and gratuity benefits to the OHCSF and PENCOM, and
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the Deputy Director (SWT).

14.0    Assistant Director, Promotion

  1. In-charge of promotion branch, and assist in the coordination and execution of all promotion activities;
  2. Prepares Briefs for the promotion and interview of staff on salary grade levels 01 – 06, 07 – 13 in the Ministry;
  • Handles Conversion, Upgrading and Advancement of officers on salary grade levels 01 – 06 and 07 – 13 in the Ministry;
  1. Compiles and processes promotion documents of officers on GL 14 – 16 to FCSC, PSO and OAGF as the case may be;
  2. Compiles and processes Briefs and Career progression of officers for conversion, upgrading and advancement to their relevant pool offices;
  3. Addresses all petitions and complaints in respect of officers’ promotion; and
  • Any other function assigned by the Deputy Director (APD).

15.0     Assistant Director, Appointment & Discipline

  1. Coordinates the activities of the Branch;
  2. Prepares Briefs for consideration of the JSC and SSC on Appointment and Discipline;
  • Nominal Roll compilation and up-dating;
  1. Maintenance of Staff Records;
  2. Takes charge of Registries (Open & Confidential);
  3. Raises salary variation advise;
  • Documents and post newly deployed Staff;
  • Handle all matters relating to National Youth Corps Members;
  1. Prepares Manpower budget; and
  2. Processes Confirmation of Appointment & Gazette;
  3. Enrolls Staff into Integrated Payroll Personnel Information System (IPPIS);
  • Processes applications for Secondment and Transfer;
  • Processes general deployments and postings;
  • Handles other duties as may be assigned by the DD (APD). 


  1. Conduct of Top Management Meetings for Senior Management
  2. Conduct of Senior Staff Promotion (SSC)
  • Conduct of Junior Staff Promotion (JSC) including clearing backlog   of promotion issues;
  1. Conduct of tailored capacity building for Heads of                                                      Department/Directors and Controllers in both Works and Housing. 


  1. The training Programme for 2021 which is expected to include all members of staff in the Headquarters and the Field Offices;
  2. HR Nominal Roll Management Information System (Database) ;
  3. Second phases of the capacity building for the Heads of Department/Directors and Controllers in both Works and Housing;
  4. Payment of staff outstanding allowances such as: 1st 28 days in lieu of hotel accommodation, repatriation allowance and death benefits;
  5. Conduct of the 2019 Reward and Recognition Ceremony;
  6. Conduct of the second quarter Top Management to be held quarterly.

18.0       The Human Resource management Department was to provide secretariat for the committees; they include:

            Digitalization of Filing and Records.