As part of the Federal Government Intervention on COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry initiated a programme to combat its impact in accordance with the protocol of ensuring availability of water supply, sanitation and hygiene facilities. The programme commenced in 2020 and its implementation strategies include the following:

  • Inauguration of the National WASH Committee on Response to COVID-19 with the Honourable Minister of Water Resources as the Chairman and all State Commissioners of Water Resources as members on April 16, 2020
  • A National Guideline for WASH Sector Response to COVID-19 was developed in collaboration with some Development Partners and shared to all the 36 States & FCT
  • Implementation of National WASH response to COVID-19 under the National Economic Sustainability Plan (NESP)
  • Construction and Rehabilitation of 469 Water Supply Schemes in all 36 States & FCT
  • Construction of 296 Public Sanitation Facilities in all 36 States and FCT
  • Support to State Water Agencies to improve operations (ten million per state)
  • Provision of 370 Contactless Handwashing Facilities with soap and sanitizers (10 per State and FCT)
  • Active engagement of 77,400 Youth Volunteers for WASH and ODF Campaign (100 per LGA)