Press & Public Relations Department The Department has the responsibility of establishing and sustaining effective public relations and communication management strategies between the Ministry and its publics. Mission Statement is to…

Survey Unit

FUNCTION OF SURVEY UNIT SPECIAL DUTIES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES Introduction/Background The Survey Unit is one of the supporting units in the Federal Ministry of Water Resources. Its…

Climate Change Unit

Climate Change Unit The Unit is to mainstream climate change concerns into the water sector for sustainable water management nationwide. The functions of the Unit are as summarized below: Strengthening…

Anti-Corruption & Transparency Unit

Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) INTRODUCTION The Anti-corruption and Transparency Unit of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources was constituted in October 2010. The Unit is charged with the responsibility…

Legal Services

Legal Services Department The Directorate of Legal Services of the Ministry is made up of Law Officers from the office of the Honourable Attorney General of the Federation and Minister…