Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU)


The Anti-corruption and Transparency Unit of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources was constituted in October 2010. The Unit is charged with the responsibility of serving as a watchdog and whistle blower in matters pertaining to corruption and other social vices within the ministry, including its parastatals, agencies and commissions. The Unit is composed of six members.


1 Mr. Charles Uke Secretary/Asst. Chief Admin. Officer Human Resources Management
2 Engr. E.D. Pam Assistant Director Dams & Reservoir Operations
3 Barr. P.C. Mbam Assistant Director Legal Services
4 M. S. Ishicheli Asst. Chief Executive Officer Internal Audit
5 Mr. Yusuf B. Mohammed Principal Executive Officer I Procurement


  • Serves as the main link between the Ministry and the parastatals on one hand and the ICPC on the other;
  • Receives oral and/or –written reports of conspiracy to commit or attempt to commit offence of corruption;
  • Examines the practices, systems and procedures in the ministry and parastatals and where in the opinions of the Unit, such practices systems or procedures aid /facilitate fraud or corruption, it shall submit detailed report with recommendations to secretary of ICPC for appropriate action with copies to the Permanent Secretary/Chief Executive.
  • Educates all officials of the Ministry and parastatals on bribery, corruption and other related offences by organizing seminars, lectures, placing appropriate and well-crafted anti-corruption posters in very conspicuous places within the premises and also the distribution of anti-corruption handbills to visitors to the Ministry.
  • Monitors budget implementation;
  • Submits at the end of every year a detailed annual report its activities to the Secretary of ICPC with copies to the Permanent Secretary/Chief Executives.
  • Has constant consultation with the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission.